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Core Fields

  1. Text Input
  2. Text Area
  3. Checkbox
  4. Checklist
  5. Number
  6. Radios
  7. Select
  8. Switch
  9. Tag
  10. HTML
  11. File Upload
  12. Email
  13. Array

Text Input

A basic text input field.


Text Area

A text area field



A single checkbox, that can be on or off



A group of checkboxes that may be toggled independently. The result is an array of the selected checkboxes.


The checklist has the following functions to set custom attributes

  • withOption(id, text) - add a new checkbox, with an id of id, and show the user the text. If one of the selected options, the final array will have an element id.
  • setOptions([['id' => 'option_id', 'text' => 'Option Text], ...]) - overwrite all the options to those passed in. You must pass each of the options in a format ['id' => 'the id', 'text', => 'the text'].


A text input with a type of number



A group of checkboxes, of which only one can be selected. The result is the selected radio.


The radio has the following functions to set custom attributes

  • withOption(id, text) - add a new radio, with an id of id, and show the user the text. If the selected option, the final value will be id.
  • setOptions([['id' => 'option_id', 'text' => 'Option Text], ...]) - overwrite all the options to those passed in. You must pass each of the options in a format ['id' => 'the id', 'text', => 'the text'].


A select input, allowing for any one of a number of options to be chosen.


The select has the following functions to set custom attributes

  • withOption(id, value, group) - add a new option, with an id of id, and show the user the value. If a group is given, the select will group this option under the header group.
  • setSelectOptions([['id' => 'option_id', 'value' => 'Option Text', 'group' => 'The group'], ...]) - overwrite all the options to those passed in. You must pass each of the options in a format ['id' => 'the id', 'text', => 'the text', 'group' => 'group'], where group is optional.
  • setMultiple(bool) - Whether or not the select should support multiple selection.
  • withNullOption(text, value) - Show a null option on the select, with a value of value (defaults to null if not given) and the text text.


A switch, which has the same effect as a checkbox.


The switch has the following functions to set custom attributes

  • setOnText('text') - Set the text that is shown when the switch is on to text.
  • setOffText('text') - Set the text that is shown when the switch is off to text.


A field that allows users to enter multiple strings, or ‘tags’. These are then outputted as an array of the tags.



An integration with TinyMCE to show a WYSIWYG editor.


The html field has the following functions to set custom attributes

  • setApiKey('api-key') - Set the TinyMCE api key to 'api-key'.

File Upload

A field that allows a file upload.



A text field with a type of email.



A field that works the same as tags, but shows the options as their own text fields.


The array field has the following functions to set custom attributes

  • showRemoveButton(true) - Whether to show a remove button, to allow removing of options.