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  1. Detector Structure
  2. Register a Strategy

Detector Structure

The detector allows for new methods of detecting the preferred language of the user. These methods are called a strategy, and are nothing more than a class that extends Twigger\Translate\Locale\DetectionStrategy class.

Only one method is required, which should try and detect a preferred language. If a language was detected, the ISO-639-1 language code should be returned. Otherwise, return null.

If the method has any dependencies, such as the request or a third party client, these can be typehinted on the constructor.

class MyDetector extends \Twigger\Translate\Locale\DetectionStrategy
    protected $request;

    public function __construct(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
        $this->request = $request;

    protected function getCurrentLocale() : ?string{
        // Use the request to detect the language. Method could return the language code or null.
        return $request->methodToGetLanguage();

Register a Strategy

Detection strategies must be registered with the \Twigger\Translate\Locale\DetectionStrategyStore, usually in your service provider boot method.

You can register a strategy to run first, last or in the middle, giving you control over the importance of the detection strategies. Do this using the registerFirst(), registerLast() and register() passing in the class name.

// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
public function boot()