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  1. Interceptor Structure
  2. Register an Interceptor

Interceptor Structure

An interceptor is a class that extends Twigger\Translate\Translate\TranslationInterceptor. It can be thought of as middleware - the translation interceptor is used to get a value for any translation. If no value exists however, the value is translated and the translation saved using the same interceptor. This allows the interceptor the chance to handle a future translation of the same text.

It therefore must implement three functions:

  • canIntercept($line, $to, $from) - Determine if the interceptor has a value for a translation
  • get($line, $to, $from) - Get the value of an interception
  • save($line, $to, $from) - Save the value of an interception

Although this is enough, there are cases where you can optimise your interceptor, especially if the interceptor uses external resources like a database. You may define the same three methods which handle many translations at a time (e.g. when translateMany is used). The only difference is getMany, canInterceptMany and saveMany

It therefore must implement three functions:

  • canInterceptMany($lines, $to, $from) - Determine if the interceptor has a value for a translation. Returns an array of booleans to mark whether the corresponding line can be intercepted.
  • getMany($lines, $to, $from) - Get the value of many interceptions. $lines will be an array of lines that can be intercepted.
  • saveMany($lines, $to, $from) - Save the value of many interceptions. Only translations not intercepted will be passed to this, even if they haven’t been changed.

As before, dependencies can be typehinted to the constructor.

class CrowdInInterceptor extends Twigger\Translate\Translate\TranslationInterceptor

    protected $crowdIn;

    public function __construct(array $config,\Twigger\Translate\Translate\Translator $translator, \App\Lang\CrowdInService $crowdIn) {
        $this->crowdIn = $crowdIn;

    protected function canIntercept(string $line, string $to, string $from): bool
        return $this->crowdIn->has($line, $to, $from);

    protected function get(string $line, string $to, string $from): string
        return $this->crowdIn->get($line, $to, $from);

    protected function save(string $line, string $to, string $from, string $translation): void
        $this->crowdIn->save($line, $to, $from, $translation);

    protected function canInterceptMany(array $lines, string $to, string $from): bool
        // This method is entirely optional.

        $result = [];
        foreach($lines as $index => $line) {
            $result[$index] = $this->crowdIn->has($line, $to, $from);
        return $result;


Register an Interceptor

To register an interceptor, you just need to call the intercept function on the TranslationFactory in your service provider.

    public function boot() {